Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Bombay the Hardway (had to use it)

Just landed in Bombay and I feel like a rat crawled in my mouth and took a shit. I've become ill, from what I don't know, could be the food, water, heat, India. Its terrible, my stomach is such a sissy when it comes eating anything. The smallest grain of dirt, an improperly washed spoon, or an intense look by a cow would knock my ass out. I hate it.

I'm a lil back logged on my blogging, got plenty of pics to put up but not right now (give a brutha a break).

Once I feel confident that I won't crap myself I'll be sure to post some pics of Bombay.


Unknown said...

hey Amit! We all know your a wuss when it comes to eating new things. Remember that time we tried some street meat outside the TEL building? talk about Grime factor.

Keep the Pics coming!

cozby said...

Oh, how can I forget those grimy hot dogs you were so fond of...or was it the hot dog man you were...

I'm all about the free York grub ;)