Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Minefield == Gran Paradiso - wha?

The name of the game - building Firefox on Mac OS X 10.4.
First up, making sure my build environment is accordance with
Was already rolling with Fink so I decided to go down that route, only to be stumped with the following error:

checking for libIDL - version >= 0.6.3... no
*** The libIDL-config script installed by libIDL could not be found
*** If libIDL was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in
*** your path, or set the LIBIDL_CONFIG environment variable to the
*** full path to libIDL-config.
checking for pkg-config... no
*** The pkg-config script could not be found. Make sure it is
*** in your path, or set the PKG_CONFIG environment variable
*** to the full path to pkg-config.
*** Or see http://www.freedesktop.org/software/pkgconfig to get pkg-config.
configure: error: Library requirements (libIDL-2.0 >= 0.8.0) not met; consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if your libraries are in a nonstandard prefix so pkg-config can find them.
*** Fix above errors and then restart with "make -f client.mk build"
make[2]: *** [configure] Error 1
make[1]: *** [/Users/cozby/Documents/development/MozillaBuildStuff/mozilla/../build/ppc/Makefile] Error 2
make: *** [build] Error 2

After mucking around with environment variables and still no cigar outcomes, I decided to ask Ben for some advice. He told me to ditch Fink and get with MacPorts (all the cool kids were using it). I did just that and my build proceeded smoothly. However there was some confusion as to what Firefox 3 aka Gran Paradiso was and what Minefield was. I thought I'd have some Gran Paradiso branded browser but instead got Minefield. The skinny is since Firefox 3 is based off the current trunk aka Minefield, it is in fact Firefox 3 sans the Gran Paradiso branding. Long story short - all is good.

Apologies to all the action fiends, no real epic build battles took place, everything was pretty vanilla (ice).


Smokey Ardisson said...

I’ve run into a number of people with that error in the past, and it never made any sense before. However, if they were all using Fink and everyone else is using MacPorts, things don’t seem so bizarre anymore.

I’ll do some more investigation and either figure out what needs to be fixed to get Fink working or remove it from the Mac Build Prerequisites documentation again. Thanks for the missing link!

Unknown said...

I know this is an ancient post, but since it's linked to from a dev.m.o page, I figured a clarifying remark might be useful.

I've been building Firefox since before the 1.0RC days with Fink on OS X and have never had that error as long as I don't try to make a universal build. Fink by design (stability vs Macports' variety) doesn't create universal builds of any of its packages and so building a universal Firefox against Fink will fail.

In short, Fink works perfectly well as a provider for Firefox build tools and libraries.

cozby said...

@Hanspeter, thanks for the info :)